Sunday 23 November 2014

The importance of self-care & self-expression

I'm going to start this with an apology in advance of what could potentially turn into a rant here. However, I have always thought rants are important from time to time, and more often than not, they are far healthier than not saying anything at all.
I'm going to talk about make-up, yes make-up. I'm aware this isn't deemed as one of the most important of things to address, but seeming as I do write about it on a regular basic on this blog, I thought here was the most appropriate place to write it all down.
If you are someone who wears make-up religiously, on a daily basis I am sure you're familiar with people saying, 'you don't need all that make-up' and 'you look fine without it!' Of course I appreciate the compliments which are intended here and it's true that people shouldn't feel the need to wear make-up all the time, but I have a real problem with these words being aimed at me.
Before I go on, I will admit to the fact that I am a very self-concious and insecure person and probably do have a borderline obsession with wearing and buying make-up. I very rarely leave the house without at least a tiny bit on because I don't feel comfortable without it. But that's not the sole reason I wear make-up. I mean, I don't wear dark purple lipstick to cover anything up, I just simply like how it looks. Yes, I put on concealer to cover up my spots, but I don't draw a black line across my eyelids for any other reason than I think it looks nice and it makes me feel better.But what is so wrong with that? It has been made some sort of sin to take pride in your appearance. It's seen as shallow to try and make yourself feel better through the way you look and I think it's just another thing amongst many things that people are going to pick at and criticize you for absolutely no reason. 
Make-up is in itself an art form and art isn't just about beauty; art is about self-expression and making a statement, no matter what that may be. Every morning, I look forward to that 20 minutes I take putting on and perfecting my make-up. I love choosing what colour lipstick to wear and whether I want winged eye liner, or gold eye shadow. When I'm having a bad day, putting on my favourite red lipstick can actually make me feel that little bit better, so that I can get out of bed and carry on with my day and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 
If you want to wear black lipstick everyday then go for it, no ones stopping you! If you don't like make-up then no ones asking you to wear it, so you have no right to say someone else shouldn't. 
Stop telling people what to wear, what to think, how to act and how to look.
Thank you for reading & stay lovely Xx

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