Sunday 11 January 2015

Here's to a year of self-love, equality & vintage clothes

Hey Everyone...
This post is absurdly late and I guess the only reason for this was because I felt I needed a bit of time to think about what I was going write in regards to the New Year and all that sha-bang.
I would firstly like to thank the very few people who have been reading my blog over the last year, because as strange as it may sound, it has helped me an awful lot . It doesn't bother me that I don't have thousands of readers because primarily, I do this for myself. 
New Years' has become such a massive thing in society and there is so much pressure put on going all out on New Years Eve and then waking up the next morning with a resolution that will improve your life in some way this year, whilst in the back of your mind you know it will last at the most, a week... On returning to college last week I found myself surrounding by various people talking about going on detox diets, cutting out practically all the food groups, starting the gym, quitting smoking and so many more. I fully appreciate people setting themselves positive goals, but drinking green tea for a month isn't going to make you healthy or get you the body you want, in fact it would probably make you unwell, exhausted and moody.
I myself have never been one to make New Years resolution, because I feel it's a silly to wait until then, if you want to change your lifestyle, your health or general well-being it will only succeed when you are ready. 
So, I would like to dedicate this year to letting go of the people, the things, the places that cause you distress and that keep you stuck in the same place you've been for a while. I want to dedicate it to equality; learning that 'feminism' isn't a dirty word and that peoples race, sexuality and beliefs don't define who they are or make them a better or worse person. Here's to a year of self-love and care and realising it's okay to be proud of yourself and take pride in your appearance. And most importantly, here's to another year of vintage shopping, purple lipstick and looking damn
Thank you so much for reading & Happy New Year Xxxxxxx

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